Back to Nature survival retreat

International course

Live as a tribe in the middle of the Dutch woodlands. Experience a profound combination of skills, knowledge and awareness.

This could be the beginning of your life as an indigenous person. Someone who can move alertly and silently through the woods, knows which voices speak in the forest and which materials you use to live there. Skills that we have possessed for thousands of years and that we have become so far removed from in our time right now. Mother Nature is calling you to take in your rightfull place. We will help you regain harmony with nature through practical nature skills combined with in-depth exercises in ‘nature awareness’. Alle based in the traditional native knowledge and ways.

For 5 days we live as a tribe among animals, trees, stream and sand. You will learn to make fire by friction, find water on intuition, build shelters, teack animals, overcome fear of the dark. We will go to the core of being human; working together and living together from what nature has to offer us. Learn to trust your senses and to listen to your instincts. This experience will guide you through the rest of your life.

“Rekindle the wilderness within you”

We will form a thight group of people who are willing to explore our natural ways, based in a beuatifull setting. Nobody starts as an expert. You can bring your tarp or tent and there will be food. Throughout this week you will learn the skills that enable you to live in nature without modern equipment. What does the plant community has to teach us? How do you extract meat and materials from an animal? You will learn to make beautiful things from bark, bone and wood. Learn to see the forest through the eyes of the indigenous people. We’ll gather tools, materials and insight. The night will no longer be the same if you learn to see in the dark… Discover the principles of camouflage and invisibility. Discover the nature within yourself and how it cannot be separated from the nature of the forest. Live together in a tribe and let your heart speak.

We take a full 5 days to learn skills that will enable a long-term stay in the forest. Expand your foundation to a deeper understanding of “Living with Nature.”

Aantal cursusdagen

Vereiste voorkennis
no foreknowledge required

Data & Locaties

Deze cursus staat momenteel niet gepland.

€ 625,00


Wat ga je leren?

>> making arrows
>> goose skinning
>> weaving and braiding
>> traps and snares

>> movement & consciousness
>> natural camouflage
>> strike flint
>> bone and antler processing

>> make natural glue
>> interpret bird language
>> sneaking techniques

Data & inschrijven

Er staan op dit moment geen data voor deze cursus gepland. Zet je naam en e-mailadres op de interesselijst. En je ontvangt de eerstvolgende keer als we nieuwe data bekend maken een bericht.

Bosbeweging is een non-profit organisatie zonder winstoogmerk,
10% van alle inkomsten komt direct ten goede aan natuurbeheer.

Lees de ervaringen van de cursisten


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Marien de Bruin

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